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Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH

Legal Notice

Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH
G.-A.-Hanewacker-Straße 4
99734 Nordhausen
Phone: +49 (0) 3631 - 47 170 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)3631-47 170 - 20

Lothar Kaufhold



VAT Reg No

Editor (V.i.S.d.P.)
Lothar Kaufhold
G.-A.-Hanewacker-Straße 4
99734 Nordhausen

Liability and Copyright
The contents of the website and of all the sub-projects were provided with highest accuracy possible. We bear no responsibility for any inaccurate or wrong information. All trademarks and company names mentioned in the texts is a copyright protected property of her owners. The content of the site like texts, photos and graphics are protected by the copyright law. Should you be linked to sites referring to contents, which are legally doubtful or offend the rights of third parties, please let us know as soon as possible.

This website was designed by ATURIS. - All rights reserved.

Picture source
These website used pictures from Conny Kurth -


1. Content of online offer
The author is not accountable for actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of applied information. Liability claims against author are categorical excluded if author-side there is not deliberate or wantonly negligent fault, which bear on disadvantages material or ideal kind, which result from use or not use of presented information or rather from use of faulty and incomplete information. All offers are not-binding and without obligation. The author can change, amend and delete parts of pages or whole offer without separate announcement, as well as discontinue the publication temporarily or finally.

2. References and links
By direct or indirect refers to foreign websites ("Hyperlinks"), which provide out of author's responsibility accounting, author's liability will have effect only when, if the author has knowledge about website contents and have the ability to prevent the use in illegal case. Herewith, the author explains explicitly that there were no illegal contents recognizable on the sites which were to link at the moment of setting links. On the topical and future creation, the contents or the authorship of linked websites the author has no influence. Therefore the authors dissociate explicitly from all contents on linked websites, which was changed after link setting. This statement is valid for all links inside of own internet offer as well as the foreign items in guest books, discussion forum, link accounts, mailing wiles and in all other forms of data banks, on their contents are possible external writing accesses. For unlawful, faulty or incomplete contents and in particular for damages, which result from use or disuse of presented information, is liable only the website provider, to which was expelled, but not who refer by links to the publication.

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The copyright for publication of provided objects is owned only by website author. The copying or application of graphics, sound documents and texts in another electronic and printed publication is not allowed without author's consent.

4. Data protection
The company Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH take the protection of personal data very earnest and obligate itself on data protection norms. Personal data will be used on this website only in necessary volume. Not at any time the personal data will be sell or for other reasons to give to a third party.
The following declaration shows the view about the personal data protection and for which purposes the personal data can be levied.

Data processing on this website
The company Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH request and save automatically in our server LogFile information, which will be imparted to our browser. This are:

        * Browser type/ -version

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        * Time of server inquiry.

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Information right
You have anytime the right to information about yours data, their origin and purpose of data processing. Information about the stored data get the company Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH info(at)

Further information
Your trust is important to us. For this reason we are always ready to give the answers and information about the using up of your personnel data. If you have a question, which this data privacy statement doesn't answer, or if you want to get more information to specific items, please approach Dipl.-Ing. Lutz Kurth Bohr- und Brunnenausrüstungen GmbH info(at)

5. Validity on this disclaimer of warranty
This disclaimer of warranty is a part of internet offer. On this website it will be referred. If the parts or several formulations on this text do not correspond to the valid legal situation, or it is not entire, another parts of documents persist intact in theirs contents and validity

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