Kurth Drilling Equipment at the BAUMA 2022
Exhibitions in Moscow and Rostrup
Kurth GmbH company took time by the forelock in May and June 2014 to present their drill rigs at home and abroad.
A fully equipped KB 20 drill rig…
bautec 2014
From February 18th – 21st we took part in Berlin exposition bautec 2014 together with ÜAZ Brandenburg, an academy for drilling technique
Among other…
Drill Rig Transformation
In December 2013 a customer approached us with a special request:
He asked us to convert a Nordmeyer RSB 0/1.4 trailer drill rig into a crawler…
Pipe Clamp – Breaking Clamp - Combination
This is to inform you that we are now able to offer the a.m. device for both our drill rigs and drill booms. It can be either mounted to new rigs and…
Production of Hydraulic Power Packs
Cooperating with our suppliers of hydraulic components and assemblies we are in the position to complete 12 hydraulic power packs until end of the…
October High Light 2013
In October we delivered a new KB 13 drilling rig to Laboratory Hart GmbH in Neuwied -Germany especially designed to perform various geotechnical…
Kurth Drill Rigs for the Viking
As announced recently we debuted with two trade shows in Sweden and were able to display a selection of our drill rigs.
Within our appealing stands…
BAUMA 2013 – We were there!
Reviewing the Bauma Fair in Munich we can give a promissing summary. It was again very important to join the fair in order to make new contacts so…
Representation of KURTH Company in Scandinavia
Recently we established a new representation in Denmark with Jan Møller-Sørensen of SonicSoundCore A/S company in the town Nørre Snede. Jan now…